Whether you are a senior attorney or law firm administrator, there are opportunity costs every time you take on a tactical task, rather than investing your time in strategic work. See our prior discussion defining why here.
We work with clients all the time where senior people become the bottleneck for getting projects completed, or just getting core tasks finished.
Let’s face it, you have more important tasks to do than format a newsletter, update contacts, review status of projects, etc.
And there is a real cost… not just opportunity.
Assume a senior attorney has a billing rate of $300, takes 4 weeks’ vacation and spends just 2 hours per week on tasks that should be outsourced… Approx. $22,000 ripped out of the bottom line.
3 hours… $32,000+! 4 hours… You get the picture.
Let’s also assume you have more than one attorney doing this, or the billing rate is higher.
WOW… This becomes real money, quick!
So, that is the real cost, but what about the cost of doing nothing, which is what another massive profit flush.
Need a Website Update: Read the Do’s & Don’ts here
The Double Whammy: In reality, what happens is nothing, marketing stuff gets pushed to the side, other admin tasks rear their ugly head, profits are impacted and strategic tasks are not addressed, further impacting profitability. The vicious cycle continues…
You know you need to market your firm consistently to grow your business, ensure sustainability and have a strong succession plan.
What is the cost of being consistent?
For small to mid-size firms, you can assume a range of monthly cost from $250 – $2000 on average. This range encompasses base marketing communications capability to executing a fully integrated marketing plan.
Easy to see that assuming a busy attorney, the payback of just being freed up to do client work pays for the service, but what few firms consider are the economic gains and profit increases associated with growing your business with more profitable work that you actually enjoy doing!
It is time for you to take a step back and review what can be achieved with a minimal monthly investment in support.
Contact us for a process evaluation, you will not regret the investment.
The ProfessionalWORX Team