The selections below include both original and curated content supporting why it is so critical for Professional Services Firms to effectively execute a digital marketing strategy.
Website Update Discussions: Top 5 Reasons Firms Delay Their Decision
Addressing the main reasons most firms delay the decision to update their marketing centerpiece. Read on as we bust each of the top 5 myths!
We talk to firms every day that have a serious need to update their website, but don’t pull the trigger on making a decision. Why? Here are the Top 5 reasons we come across!
Website Update Trends: 3 attention grabbing ways to keep visitors on your site
Your marketing centerpiece is critical. Here are some reason why the time to invest in your website is now. The majority of your visitors share these common characteristics. Here’s what you’re dealing with when someone visits your site, typically they:
•Have short attentions spans;
•Are Quick to Click away; and
•Possess “Need It Now” mentality!
The average website visitor has a reaction to a website based upon the function and attractiveness of the website in less than 20 seconds!
Web design trends you need to consider for your practice in 2018
It’s time to take step away from the traditional website designs law firms and other professional service firms have been clinging to. Take a look at what is here and coming in 2018.
When your clients tell you it’s time to update your website…
A Civil Litigation and Insurance defense client of ours forwarded to me a message from one of his major clients/insurers. You will see from the excerpt below, some very good suggestions from this litigation management professional.
Outsourcing: The New Black
Studies reveal a seismic shift has happened, with 51% of law firms and 60% of corporate legal departments currently using outsourced resources for legal work; Indicating that law firms are benefitting from outsourcing beyond the traditional Office Services staffing seen prevalent across the industry.
Holiday Season Planning
Yes, It’s time.
Well, it certainly is if you want to do it right without last minute stress.
Lions and Tigers and Time Commitment… Oh MY!
Many clients are fearful of the time commitment for updating their website. Based on our years of experience, we take this to heart. Our process was built upon the foundation that less is more for our clients when it comes to their time investment.
Time: Your most precious resource
Time is what makes a law firm tick. How a firm uses this most precious resource ultimately defines a firm’s success, or failure, in maximizing profitability.
For attorneys and key admin staff, using their time for tasks “outside of their lanes” is the root problem for many firms. People try to save money for the firm, but in reality, there are inherent costs that outweigh any benefit.
Competitive Bid Analysis
Your firm needs a website update.
How do you know if you are getting a good deal? or Selecting the right vendor? Here’s how:
Attorney Micro-Sites: Fad or New Standard?
I was “thumbing through” a variety of legal prognosticators forecasts/views preparing to do a hatchet job on their lack of vision, when an article from early 2011 caught my eye.
The website vendor made some grandiose blah, blah, blah… statements about where the industry will be going and how a firm’s website will be critical in supporting the new business development paradigm, replacing face-to-face business development.
From our perspective, swinging and missing on almost all points, with one very important exception…
Attorney Microsites… They got that one right!