The selections below include both original and curated content supporting why it is so critical for Professional Services Firms to effectively execute a digital marketing strategy.

Email Marketing Love Story…

According to Gigacom Research studies, Marketers love email as much as their customers and prospects, ranking email as the most effective tactic for awareness, acquisition, conversion and retention.

For law firms and other professional service firms, showing “visible expertise” based on specific practice area thought leadership enables awareness, which is the first step in your marketing love story.

Effective segmentation to clients, prospects and referral sources build the foundation for the follow up activities related to acquisition, conversion and retention.

Some powerful facts about email marketing…

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Wisdom of a 16 year old…

You need to get them to understand that investing in their business is more important than that one client project!

That response came from my son when I was commiserating with him regarding a website project we are excited about and the general challenges of selling to and doing projects with law firms, explaining the facts of life about how administrative projects are always trumped by client work.

We all know that Client Work Always Comes First, but his comment floored and inspired me to pen some thoughts of my own on creating a new rhythm for your business.

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Are you doing enough to promote and grow your business?

We speak to law firms every day and hear, “we don’t do email marketing”, or “if we have something to send, we just send in normal email”, or “our firm doesn’t need to market, we are already busy”.

When hearing this the natural reaction is typically, what the !!! How can this be in this day and age???

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You can’t stand out if you’re sitting down…

You spent years working incredibly hard to earn your J.D., passed the bar, found that great firm or set out on your own venture, developed specific expertise, but you are just not satisfied with the volume, or quality of the work you are doing. Guess what… You are not alone.

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5 key marketing trends for 2016

Hinge Marketing is a leading branding and marketing firm for the professional services. A recent article I found of theirs prognosticating 5 key marketing trends for 2016 struck a chord…

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Harvard Business Review supports outsourced marketing

The Harvard Business Review stated that while companies have long outsourced creative, right-brain marketing activities, they predicted a fundamental change was under way, that increasingly, firms are farming out tactical marketing operations and analytics as well…

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Benefits of Outsourced Marketing Support

Ilya Pozin, A Forbes contributor and subscriber, sat down with marketing expert Erik Huberman to discuss the developing trend of outsourcing marketing tasks. The article discusses several important aspects of the decision making process pros/cons…

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Fascinating digital marketing stats…

Trent Blizzard wrote an article in 2014 where he has collected a plethora of interesting statistics about professional service firms and online marketing activities in general. His view is that these stats should be highly motivational for professional service firms to review their digital marketing strategy. You be the judge… (We agree with Trent btw…)

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