Experience You Can Count On
Our proven methodology applies to small and enterprise-level projects and is the basis for our client’s success.
Developed overtime through 250+ CRM projects, this methodology builds upon:
- Clearly understanding client requirements;
- Developing a common vision and approach;
- Documenting a clear roadmap, both functional and technical;
- Delivering that vision in incremental phases; with
- Continuous emphasis on the user adoption cycle.
Our team understand that careful planning and flawless execution are fundamental requirements for CRM success. We work with each company to provide a return on their overall investment in the shortest possible time. This return comes from distilling the basic information supplied to us and turning it into something much more valuable and functional.
Our Consulting Offering Includes:
- Requirements Analysis and Definition
- Product Selection Advice
- Software Configuration
- Data Analysis, Cleansing and Migration
- Project Management
- Training and Support
- On-Going Data Maintenance
- Help-Desk Support
There is no one size fits all solution to meet an organizations’ CRM needs. We will leverage our experience when addressing common issues, keeping costs under control while shortening the time-to-benefit cycle.
These projects are always forward looking: It is far too easy to rush into an initial rollout without considering future functionality, especially when it comes to the ongoing collection and rendering of data in the system and the impact this will have on the users, current and future.
With these goals achieved, use will produce more use, and the true value of your CRM investment will be realized.